How to Find Display Sponsors for Your Organization

Are you preparing for an event to showcase your organization, but want something to set you apart from the other vendors? If so, take the time to prepare an enticing display package and read along to learn how to find display sponsors and elevate your marketing strategy.

What is a display package?

A display package is the physical promotion of your brand designed to capture your marketed audience. Depending on your location, your display may include everything from banners, flags, and canopies that represent who you are as a business.

The best part: your display is where you can feature your partnership with your sponsors, too.

Why are display sponsors beneficial?

Attracting sponsors to your mission goes way beyond just raising funds. Sponsorships have the potential to introduce you to a new customer base, spread your brand name, increase profit, elevate your credibility and even attract additional sponsors.

While partnering with another seasoned brand comes with a lot of benefits, we are well aware that often it’s easier said than done.

How do you attract display sponsors?

When courting a new sponsor, it’s important to approach it as you would a first date or a job interview. You want that sponsor to know exactly who you are, what you stand for, and why they should partner with you. No matter what, you want to remain true to what makes you and your brand unique.

Have a Digital Marketing Plan

Prepare your pitch to a potential sponsor by ensuring you have a strong digital marketing strategy. Government entities and larger corporations often refer to this as a media kit, but no matter what terminology you use, it's critical to the success of your business.

In the era of easy internet searches and social media, everyone wants to see proof of a consistent online presence, including your potential sponsors. That means making your website easy to navigate, replying to social media comments and requests quickly and professionally, and matching your brand across all platforms. While the number of followers you have might matter to some sponsors, keep in mind that most are looking for engagement on your posts and a clean and clear brand promise.

Stand Out Among the Crowd

When it comes to sponsors, you need to consider how your brand will stand out among all of the other companies that might be vying for the same sponsorship opportunity. The truth – your brand is unique because you are unique, but if you don’t know why you won’t be able to clearly and concisely convey.

The best way to stand out is to focus on making connections and sharing your story. You might want to talk about the effect your brand has on your clients or customers and include success stories, if applicable. It may also be appropriate to discuss ways your brand supports the local community or a humanitarian cause.

Whatever it is – make sure your pitch details how your brand is different than the masses. After all, this sponsor is considering taking a chance on you and they are more likely to say yes when they know why you (and they) deserve the benefits of a partnership.


There’s nothing worse than sending a pitch to a potential sponsor to have it fall flat and miss the mark. Most often, that happens because it’s obvious you haven’t done your research. Word to the wise: before you make contact, take the time to research everything you can about the company you are pitching to.

Start by following their social media accounts and taking the time to explore their website. In addition to getting your brand on their radar thanks to that social media “like”, you’ll also get a better feel for the people and causes behind their brand.

You might also consider finding out where their next events will be, determining other companies that align with them, and what’s trending in the news about their business or industry.

All of this research is as much for their benefit as it is for yours. After all, you want any sponsorship relationship to be the best thing for both parties involved.


Last and finally, sponsorship relationships should be symbiotic. That means that when you reach out to a potential candidate, you should be very clear as to what you will offer them in exchange.

Some ideas might include discounts on your products, inclusion in your promotional campaigns, and consistent social media engagement through likes and mentions. Most importantly, sponsors will see partnerships as an opportunity to spread their name, whether that be through featured blogs, Instagram posts, or a custom-designed flag with their logo on it.

Marketing Your Display Sponsor Partnerships

You now know how to find display sponsor partnerships and how to professionally represent your brand at marketing events. If you intend to #BeBoldStandOut from other vendors, it’s time to contact All In Canopies™️ for everything necessary to create your branded event display. From canopies to advertisement flags, and table covers to banners, we’ve got you covered!

Know a sport, school, church, or non-profit organization that could benefit from this knowledge? Share this post on social media or email the link directly. They'll be glad you did!